IRSA would like to congratulate the following recipients of the 2022 IRSA Research Supports.

On Regional Development in Small Island Economies:

Alan Dwi Wibowo (Lambung Mangkurat University) and Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo (Waseda University) for their research proposal:
Designing an appropriate renewable energy system for small-isolated islands communities”.

IRSA Research Support on Regional Development in Aceh:

Affandi (Universitas Teuku Umar) and Lukman Hakim (Universitas Sebelas Maret) for their research proposal:
The role of human capital and social culture on poverty reduction in Aceh Province”.

Sylvia Agustina (Universitas Syiah Kuala), Irin Caisarina (Universitas Syiah Kuala), and Elysa Wulandari (Universitas Syiah Kuala) for their research proposal:
The impact of major infrastructure development on village planning: Case study of Sibanceh Toll and villages in Lembah Seulawah, Aceh Besar”.

We received a large number of proposals for each grant category and the selection processes have been highly competitive. We hence hope good quality of research outputs could come out from these research projects. It is expected that the winners will present their projects at the 17th IRSA International Conference in Lombok.

Coordinators of the Grant Selection Committee

Professor Devanto S. Pratomo and Dr. Cut Dewi

Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) Secretariat

As an initiative to increase knowledge about how best to support regional development in Indonesia, IRSA is organizing the following calls for proposals:

Please click the links above to get more information on these opportunities (who can apply and how to submit).

The deadline to submit your proposal (in English) is on 15 March 2022.

For more information, contact:

  • Professor Devanto Pratomo ( devanto(at)ub.ac.id ), or
  • Dr. Tri Mulyaningsih ( trimulyaningsih.uns(at)gmail.com )